Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

 The veggies have already been planted, and the tulips have come and gone, so it was time to plant some annuals.  Last year I planted what I thought were annuals in the front yard.  They had cute, little, red flowers.  My only complaint was that they weren't very big.  Turns out they were perennials because they came right back up twice as big as last year.  Only one of them has new flowers, but the rest should be in soon.  I planted a flat of white impatiens around them.  Hopefully it all fills in soon.

For the flowers around our lamp-post, I went a little nuts.  I wanted to add another color to the mix besides red and white.  These cute little neon flowers caught my eye, and I went for it.

Then because I wasn't tired of digging yet, I decided to move some hostas.  I usually hate hate hate hostas, but these weren't so bad because they were solid colored and weren't the size of a small bus.   I didn't take a before picture (because I suck), but they were to the right in the grass.  Al would have to mow around them.  The mulched area by the sidewalk was completely empty.  I moved them over, dug up some rouge grass, and replaced the hostas with grass.

My supervisors tell me that I'm doing it wrong.
On a random note, I'm in love with my new foundation.  I decided to spend a little more money than the drug store, and I'm really happy.  This is 8 hours after I applied it with no touch ups and 3 hours of gardening.

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