Thursday, February 10, 2011

15 weeks: This is what I get for getting cocky...

15 weeks was going pretty smoothly.  I weighed myself and have only gained 3 pounds.  The baby is the size of an apple.  I'm starting to be able to eat most foods again...even tried a little chicken.  I got a lemon ice...things were going peachy. 
Then, like an asshole, I got cocky.  Monday morning I thought to myself, "remember about two months ago, when you were nauseous every morning?...that really sucked...good thing I am at 15 weeks and a rock star and nothing bad will ever happen...ha ha ha, yay me!"  Clearly the pregnancy gods heard me and were like, "oh lady, you are getting cocky...this needs to end right now!"  So I got to work, wasn't hungry, so I just had some tea.  After about an hour I made a mad dash to the bathroom to barf it all up.  I made it through the entire 1st trimester without getting barfy; I thought I was safe!  Clearly, not.  Luckily I had a stash of crackers at my desk, and that seemed to calm my stomach...ugh.
Anyway, here is a pic of the mini belly at 15 weeks.  This was taken pre-barf when I was all cocky.  If you could see my face, it would say, "look at me in the 2nd trimester where everything is rainbows and lollipops..."  Oh how naive I was back then...

I ended up getting another nasty I'm not sure if the barfing was due to baby or illness.  I keep getting sick almost every week.  This kid has hijacked my immune addition to my ability to drink wine...not sure which is worse.  Al thinks that the baby is a boy because it is being such an asshole.  We'll find out if he is right in another month!


  1. Tell Al I was much pukier with a girl. He is going to be out numbered very shortly!

  2. "Al thinks that the baby is a boy because it is being such an asshole."

    Maybe the baby is being an "asshole" because it's a Weber. Just sayin'. What a wonderful father Al is going to be...

  3. The only way to know for sure the gender of a baby without an ultrasound is to ask an Asian honest-to-God, full blooded Asian lady. They always know!

  4. I bet it is a girl...few more weeks and you can find out. :)

  5. My bet is it will be a girl...girls tend to make you sicker.
