Thursday, April 15, 2010

Not a good day for my face...

A lot of people hate the dentist, but I’ve never really had a problem.  I’ve always had good teeth (thanks Dad), never had a cavity, and when you’re little, they give you a prize…score!!  Then I moved to DC.  The actual dentist that we go to is fine…the teeth cleaning lady apparently wants to remove all of the gum tissue in my mouth.  She takes out more and more every time I go.  I have super clean teeth…brush at least three times a day and floss every day…so I really don’t understand what she is attempting to remove besides chunks of gum tissue that I spit out continuously throughout the cleaning.  They tricked me the first time I went by having the dentist do the cleaning…”to get to know his new patients”…ugh.  Really it is just a scam to get you to sign up for another appointment in 6 months…then you are stuck with the gum Nazi--forever!!!
So I get there, and she starts making small talk about buying patio furniture.  I don’t mind the talking so much as the asking questions.  She spent a solid 5 minutes asking me questions…here’s a hint, when I’m talking, you can’t be cleaning my teeth, and that means I have to spend even more time here.  This is actually one time where I don’t want to talk…the faster you get done lady, the faster I can leave.  I have important things to do like procrastinating school work and spending time not cleaning my apartment. 
Then she says that I haven’t had x-rays in two years and should get a “full set” every 5-7 years.  I say “yes” thinking that it would be faster to take a couple of x-rays than to try to explain that I’ve never had teeth problems and don’t think it is necessary.  Usually they just take a couple of shots in the room…not this time.  She has me walk to a back room, and there is this little woman waiting for me.  Apparently they were going to do 18 different x-rays…18?!?!  Do I even have that many teeth??  I try to get out of it, but she’s all, “I can get the doctor to talk it over with you”…but I realize that that will just take more time, and I will end up being conned into the x-rays anyway.  (I’ve noticed that since the economy is down and doctors are seeing fewer patients, they are insisting that the patients that do show up go through unnecessary tests.)  I sit through the 18 freaking x-rays where they attempt to put film the size of a road sign in your mouth…”open wider!”…”relax your cheek!”…how about you make film that fits inside a human’s mouth and not something that has the surface area of Texas??  Near the end she is all…”only a few more left”…”I hope you’re not mad at me”…”I hope we can still be friends”…all in this cutsie little voice.  Let’s get this straight lady…you nor the gum Nazi are my friends.  (I’m currently working on inventing a way to publically “de-friend” people who you don’t even know…not even on Facebook.)
As soon as the x-rays were done and I got the approval from the dentist, I got the hell out of there.  Luckily the receptionist was looking for a file and didn’t see me leave, so I wasn’t coerced into scheduling another appointment in 6 months.  I’ll have to screen my phone calls for the next two weeks (so if you are calling me from a VA area code, make sure to leave a message…because I won’t be picking up any 703 numbers until this thing blows over).
So I drive home with my bleeding, sore mouth and a pissed off attitude (definitely to 11).  My nose has been running lately because VA in April is like walking through a sand storm of pollen.  I don’t even have official allergies, and it even gets to me.  People with real allergies turn into red, scratchy, snot buckets…Virginia is for Lovers—just not during seasonal allergies!  So I grab the neti pot to flush out some of the nasty.  The first side goes smoothly…then I go for the other side.  I don’t know if a chunk of the neti pot salt didn’t dissolve or if there was a chunk of old salt in there already or if God just really hated my facial region that day, but a chunk of salt went through the neti pot, into my sinuses, swirled around a bit, then out the nose, burning all of the way and dripping nasty salt snot onto the back of my tongue…O. M. G.!!!  The inside of my face was ON FIRE!!!!  After the crying on the bathroom floor was mostly over (I may or may not be writing this from the bathroom floor), I was able to clean out my sinuses with fresh water.  Let’s just say I will never use the neti pot salt again…it is evil…almost as bad as the gum and x-ray Nazis at the dentist.

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